Monday, June 28, 2010


Alrighty, the all-important first post! I'd like to welcome you all to my blog.
I am starting this for a couple of reasons:
1) I want to write about interesting topics and thus learn more about them
2) I want to give people reason to think about things they may not think about otherwise
What can you expect?
Updates a few times a week, depending on my free time, ability to think of good topics, and how much coffee I spill on my keyboard.

Topics will span far and wide. I will try to be concise when appropriate and delve deep when the need arises. Anything is game: my quest for knowledge and pursuit of solving the mysteries of science, my awesome roommates, first hand accounts of encounters with bears while trail running, philosophical conundrums to further disenchant people about life, late night gaming and pwnage, and other interesting phenomena in this so called life.

I do wish to dedicate this first post to two of my best friends and roommates of over five years who just got engaged: Dan and Kendra! They are such amazing people, and I have been ridiculously happy for the past couple of hours since I found out. It is definitely rare when people are meant for each other the way these two are :)

Anyway, that's all for the intro post! Look out for some more substantial ones soon.