Monday, June 18, 2012

Bukit Timah and monkeys

Two of the EAPSI girls here work with the monkeys that are found around Singapore - they do all sorts of hiking every day, tracking, and collecting "samples" :) They let us tag along with them on Saturday morning. Singapore actually has a decent amount of nature, and Bukit Timah is one of them. It's got a mountain (hill more like), lots of hiking, mountain biking, and running trails. Of course it was packed! After a little bit of walking around enjoying the atmosphere and a short but intense hike up to the "summit", Anne, one of the girls who studies the monkeys, called us to come see the ones she's found. It's much easier to hear/see them in the forest if you're alone and quiet.
The monkeys came very close!

Anyways, we stayed around the monkeys for a while, taking a bajillion pictures and watching them come super close to us. Definitely didn't feed or touch them though - big no-no. Bikers coming down the path almost ran over the poor things!

After getting sufficiently sweaty, we went to an awesome Indian place nearby - south Indian. Had some amazing Prata and Murtabak :)

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