Thursday, June 7, 2012

Off we go!

This summer I'll be doing a lot of documentation of my adventures abroad.

I was fortunate to receive that EAPSI NSF fellowship, which is funding me to go to Singapore to do research for the summer. I'll be working at a lab headed by one of my advisor's past post-docs, working on a project titled "Actuating gene expression with electric signals". Cool stuff :)

For those of you who are not sure where Singapore is - it's basically a the southern tip of Malaysia, east of India, and north west of all the Indonesia islands. Basically South East Asia.

I've basically been packing clothes for warm and humid weather, and  buying lots of sunscreen and bug spray!
Although it's surrounded by countries that people don't really see as developed, Singapore is actually very westernized, well-connected, stable, and air-conditioned! Though I don't think they have Chipotle there :(
But I am pretty excited for all the food! So many Asian things to eat and try! 

Flying to Singapore is one of the farthest/longest flights one can take from the East Coast - I'll be just FLYING for 24 hours (and about 3-4 hrs of layovers). I don't really sleep well unless it's a comfy bed and is quiet, so this will be interesting (got me a few books and magazines!).
How I wish I was traveling (this is from Singapore Airlines)

Anyways, just a short intro. I'll try to include lots of pictures and interesting bits. I'll be taking LOTS of pictures and videos and post them online, so if you're a friend of mine and want to know how to get to them, let me know :)

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